Monday, June 8, 2009

On Abortion

The tragic shooting of Dr. George Tiller by a pro-lifer in Wichita has moved the abortion debate off the back burner. (The fact that Dr. Tiller was gunned down in the narthex of his church gives the murder an added piety.)

The crux of the debate is whether a glob of cellular material is a living human being.

One of the most compelling pro-choice arguments I have ever heard came from an devout Roman Catholic who attends Mass daily and wears his rosary around his neck.

He cited Gen. 2:7, which says:

--then the lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

In other words, the fetus becomes a living human being only when it draws its first breath.

It’s a moot argument, though. The anti-abortion movement has nothing to do with religion. If it did, every pro-lifer would be active in the peace movement.

--Case Wagenvoord


Cirze said...

A question I used to ask publicly at every anti-abortion march that I knew about (long ago).

If it did, every pro-lifer would be active in the peace movement.

I wanted them to admit to a friendly crowd that they are only in favor of unborn life.

Thanks for your reporting!


Case Wagenvoord said...

The dead keep America strong.

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