Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Time!

The time has come for Belacqua Jones to ride into the sunset. It’s been a wonderful six-year run, but he’s finally come to the end of the trail.

Several factors played into this decision. First, and foremost, it just ain’t the same without George! The blog began as “Open Letters to George W. Bush.” After the election, I tried several different approaches, but none of them had the same bite.

I was also starting to feel constrained by Belacqua’s persona and point of view, and I noticed that my posts were drifting towards a more expository style.

However, even though Belacqua is gone, the snark and bite will remain. The only difference is that now I can have more fun.

I look forward to your comments and feedback.

--Case Wagenvoord


Terry bull said...

Yo dude, ter-rar, an' see yer later mister.

Keep snarkin, they'll never go away.

Case Wagenvoord said...

Don't worry. I'll still be here, just a different persona, that's all.

bluesman said...

Best of luck with what ever you do next..Thanks for expressing so eloquently my own growing horror,anger and perplexity at Dubya and Dick and Don.t was a daily pleasure that always looked forward to.Did Belaqua precede Colbert`s character? Anyway hope you are still gong to have a presence on the web.Thanks for all the great posts

Case Wagenvoord said...

I'll continue to post at this site. The only differnce is that the loving scorn and compassionate satire will be written under my own name.

Dr. Omed said...

I'll have another shot of the snark that bit me. And another. And another. And another...

I think you made the right decision, Case. The Belacqua persona became a kind of trap, A.D. (After Dubya).

You have a way with a phrase. I often write one of yours down in my moleskine.

Case Wagenvoord said...

Thanks, Dr. I agonized over it for quite a while. In the end, I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. It has started the creative juices flowing again.

Anonymous said...

Just please don't stop sharing your views. Your blog impinges!

Freida Bee said...

I'll miss Beluca, but I can understand. If I were her, I wouldn't address Obama in with the same tone as I'd address W. He's not a moron.

For instance, at an evil vendor where I resorted buying wrapping paper at 11 PM last night I noticed the distinction between the two.

I saw some goofy stickers, mixed in with all the unicorns and stars and such, with W in awkward poses saying, "It's time for celebrificating." And, then I saw a poster of Obama saying "Yes We Can." One's a total moron, and the other is a well-meaning politician.

Oh, and I'm in the same boat with FluffPo. Sarah Palin made it so much easier. I'm trying to figure out the direction to take with it now. It'll come.

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