Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Making the Invisible Hand of the Market Visible

According to the right’s revisionist history of the Great Depression, FDR prolonged it with his New Deal programs. Had he left well enough alone, the Invisible Hand of the Market would have restored economic balance in short order. To them, it was an unforgivable sin to retard our economic recovery with programs that relieved the suffering of millions. It is better that the many suffer so the few may recover.

The Invisible Hand of the Market is an ideology that is treated with the same mystical awe as is God. Like God, the Invisible Hand knows when a sparrow falls. Unlike God, the Invisible Hand builds a fire, cooks it and sells the burn flesh to the starving for a neat profit.

There is one other difference. While God is forever hidden from us, we can make the Invisible Hand visible. Here is what you do:

· Place your elbow on a table with your forearm perpendicular to the surface.
· Make a fist.
· Extend you middle finger heavenward.

There you have it, the Invisible Hand of the Market.

--Case Wagenvoord


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

· Place your elbow on a table with your forearm perpendicular to the surface.
· Make a fist.
· Extend you middle finger heavenward.
Hmmm? I tried it at home and nothing happened, but I tried it in the car on the way to the store and I got one in return...

bluesman said...

Lke Jesus,Adam Smith would be appalled at the things done n hs name

Case Wagenvoord said...

The other guy was probably a stock broker.

Most people who quote Adam Smith haven't read him.

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