Friday, July 4, 2008

Freedom's Faith and the Corporate State

Dear George,

What a glorious day the fourth of July is as we celebrate freedom, democracy and liberty, those anachronisms that are the highly effective marketing tools employed by the corporate state to hoodwink the drones into thinking they are free.

Only in a Christian nation would this be possible, so I hope you will bear with me for a short meditation on the role of our faith has played in making us the hegemonic badasses of the world.

We have the teachings of Jesus; we have Christianitys; we have the corporate state. How do these three coexist?

The short answer is they don’t! The only way Christianity can shore up the corporate state is to lose the teaching of Jesus. What results is a nominal faith that skirts around the Sermon of the Mount with all its “love thy enemies” bullshit, and grafts Jesus onto a Bronze Age Hebrew God of pissed-off wrath and cosmic snits.

Some wonder how the church morphed love into hateful wrath. The answer is quite simple. The reason any organized religion is so easily corrupted is that all too often, the ego farts, and the soul thinks the Breath of the Spirit is upon it.

Your admirer,
Belacqua Jones


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

"Do unto others as you imagine they might/could/would/will do unto you if you do not." is my favorite bible verse.

Anonymous said...

"The short answer is they don’t! The only way Christianity can shore up the corporate state is to lose the teaching of Jesus. What results is a nominal faith that skirts around the Sermon of the Mount with all its “love thy enemies” bullshit, and grafts Jesus onto a Bronze Age Hebrew God of pissed-off wrath and cosmic snits."

Absolutely correct! The history of Christianity in a nutshell!