Monday, September 14, 2009

Masterful Misdirection

They poured into our nation’s capitol by the thousands, venting their rage at the government and the Obama administration. They cried out against the creeping socialism they believed was taking over the country, even though America has experienced nearly three decades of rampant deregulation in which government has been reduced to a emaciated remnant of its former self.

The protest was organized by FreedomWorks, a well-funded "think" tank organized by former Republican house leader Dick Armey.

The groups mission statement is a study in irony: “FreedomWorks believes individual liberty and the freedom to compete increases consumer choice and provides individuals with the greatest control over what they earn and own.”

That’s the ultimate goal of the right, to reduce citizens to consumers and make them believe that the government wants to tax away their toys.

The pathetic thing about the march was that the angry protesters should have been rallied by the left, not the right. The demonstration was a masterpiece of misdirection.

The right has neatly deflected public anger over their sinking quality of life onto the government, thus concealing the fact that government is little more than a barnacle clinging to the side of the corporate ship, and like the barnacle, government is powerless to chart its own course. It can only go where the ship takes it.

The left should be raising three kinds of hell as it demonizes corporations. It should preach freedom, freedom from being cogs in the corporate machinery that has used toys and feel-good commercials to deaden the public to what is happening to it.

And now that life has lost its “feel-good” quality, the corporate propaganda mill is busily deflecting public away from the ship by focusing on the barnacle and accusing it of being the culprit even though the poor thing is absolutely powerless.

All the while the left sits in stunned silence still believing that reason and rational discourse will prevail as the pubic that that should be its base slips between its fingers and congeals around the corporate masters who have made their life the misery that it is.


Cirze said...

Brilliant dissection!


concealing the fact that government is little more than a barnacle clinging to the side of the corporate ship, and like the barnacle, government is powerless to chart its own course. It can only go where the ship takes it.

Case Wagenvoord said...

Thanks. It does sum it up nicely.

TAO Walker said...

No doubt there were some exceptions, but every face this old Indian saw on TV reports of the staged "event" was pale....especially true of the "speakers." In fact, the scene looked just like the one common to shots of the box seats at major league baseball games.

Guess it reflects something telling about who the "real" americanpeople think they are.


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